New Year’s Day Sunrise Walk

Sunrise from Lancaster Priory (c) Ros Jones

Serene start to 2023

A small group gathered in the gloom of 1st January 2023 to see the sun rise on a new year.

From St George’s Quay at 8am on New Year’s Day, there wasn’t much light, but within minutes the start of a new day in a new year was evident. A clattering of Jackdaws (and yes, that is the fabulous collective noun for them!) took off in gloriously noisy splendour. There are some great Jackdaw facts on Discover Wildlife website.

Just as we were about to set off, a skein of geese flew over. We didn’t see lots of wildlife after that, but enjoyed each other’s company as we walked up through the woods where we saw an amazing bracket fungus (below).

Bracket fungus, Quay Meadow woods (c) Ros Jones

Subtle sunrise

Having taken the steep hill up to Lancaster Priory, we paused to get our breath back! We stayed a while enjoying the views as the sun tried to break through the low clouds. It was calm and peaceful, with gentle colours glowing through the clouds.

View from Lancaster Priory of the sunrise on 1st January 2023 (c) Ros Jones

Happy New Year – more to come in 2023!

There are plenty more events to enjoy in 2023. More details below.

  • Sunday 22nd January (1-3pm) – Walk: Williamson Park & Fenham Carr. Event details and booking information here.
  • Saturday 4th February (1-3.30pm) – Talk-walk: Winter Tree Identification, A Beginner’s Guide. Event details and booking information here.
  • Sunday 19th February (1-4pm) – Walk: St George’s Quay to Aldcliffe and Fairfield Nature Reserve. Event details and booking information coming soon.
  • Saturday 4th March (1-3.30pm) – Talk-walk: Fairfield Nature Reserve, with Sue Nieduszynski from Fairfield Nature Reserve Committee. Event details and booking information coming soon.