December news from Wildlife Wellbeing Walks

27th December 2022

General updates

(c) Ros Jones

Thanks to some lovely friends, I have now managed to set up secure payment on the website. All future events can now be paid for by card on event pages. I will continue to use Google Forms for alternative booking (and collecting health questionnaires), which contain information for bank transfer payment. However, I have decided to discontinue EventBrite bookings due to the charges which are a bit steep (either for me or for passing on to you).

I am introducing Loyalty Cards in response to feedback from a recent questionnaire. 10 stamps get you £5 off your next event or a free wellbeing goodie bag worth the same value. Talking of which, I will also be selling £5 wellbeing goodie bags. Look out for more information on those in the New Year!

In the (local) News

Sunrise over Williamson Park
(c) Ros Jones

Exciting news for Wildlife Wellbeing Walks! A press release (my first ever) has been published in the Lancaster Guardian for the New Year’s Day sunrise walk along the River Lune. You can view it here. In an aim to reach out to as many people as possible, this is a ‘pay what you can afford walk’. For those who can afford it, the suggested amount is £3 for this one-hour walk. More details, and booking, on the event page here.

Female Kingfisher taken by Chris Armstrong
Female Kingfisher (c) Chris Armstrong

New for January – banish the New Year blues!

A new series of Talk-Walks will be starting in January. Frequency will depend on the popularity, but so far we have one booked for 7th January. This first one is based on Kingfishers of Lancaster Canal, featuring local amateur wildlife photographer Chris Armstrong. We will start with an informal chat about kingfishers at the Friends Meeting House and a guided visualisation meditation. From here we will spend some time along the canal looking for kingfishers. For more information and booking please visit the event page here.

I will be including some plant and bird identification sessions as part of this series, and hoping to get more guests along.