
Nature-based nurturing: A day retreat

A relaxing day of pampering On Thursday 15th February we held our first Day Retreat in conjunction with Amy Gunawan Willow Weaving and Leah Dalby, independent Tropic Ambassador. The theme for the day was the botanicals that featured throughout, we learned information about each species (see below), and used them in our willow-woven heart. The READ MORE

Marsh Community Centre project

In December we received our first grant funding from the Pots of Possibility fund (part of the National Lottery Community Fund). This is for a joint project with the Marsh Community Centre where we will be working with local people to: Cook healthy (and more sustainable) meals that are good value, given the cost of READ MORE

The Storey Gardens

Talk & Walk – Saturday 1st July A hidden gem in the heart of Lancaster The Talk The Talk portion of the day was delivered by Janet, a volunteer who has a wealth of knowledge about The Storey Institute and the Gardens.  Janet delivered a fascinating insight into the history of the site (the gardens READ MORE