
Image of Forrest Hills lake
Ros gave a great & insightful talk on 5 ways to well-being, followed by an interactive session outdoors to take a closer look at nature which was really enjoyable.

I felt relaxed following the session, I had a much clearer understanding of well-being & how it impacts our day to day. Ros showing us the beauty of getting outside was really beneficial & something I will ensure to build into my day-to-day.
Corporate Client - Forrest Hills Wellbeing Open Day (Sept 2023)
Ros's walks are gentle and suitable for everyone. She is knowledgeable about plants, flowers and birdsong etc, so as you walk she can explain what you are listening to and looking at, so it's like having a talking guide book!

The group often stops to listen, to look, to admire a view, to breath deeply in nature. I always feel better after one of Ros's walks and she has shown me bits of Lancaster I didn't know existed! Highly recommended!
A family group of swans on Lancaster canal
Wildlife Wellbeing Walks group (c) Jane Lang
A guided walk with Ros is the perfect antidote to our going nowhere fast society. She teaches you to slow down and look more closely at nature. A soothing experience with a well informed guide.
Nicky Graves
I've been on three of Ros's wellbeing nature walks so far...After each walk I've come home feeling good - restored, uplifted, full of interesting images and information, better than I did before.

Ros is great at spotting interesting things along the way, and she has a real knack of making the whole experience very enjoyable... I find her walks very rewarding in lots of ways.
The session reminded me to be more in the present and to appreciate the beauty in the nature around us... Ros helped to bring that back to focus... with the aid of a magnifying glass to get really close up.
J Dickinson
Lovely to take time out of the busyness of modern life to enjoy nature and the outdoors in our own backyard.
[We did] a staff training session online... to remind us about mindfulness during our work day. It reminded me that whilst working from home, I can take a walk in the garden to move my body and get peace in my mind. I felt very relaxed.
Ebony Rebecca
Rosetinted Financial Solutions CIC